
Kristal & Ashley are 2 stay at home moms of a bunch of little kids. They both love to cook, but live a LONG ways from each other and are tired of sharing recipes over online chats....soooo, in comes Just a Spoonful of Honey...THE BLOG!
So sit back, read up, turn up the killer cooking tunes, and get into the kitchen!!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I've been trying to figure out more ways to eat raw veggies, I SUCK at it!  Until alas, co-blogger Ashley made an awesome pasta salad for us up at the cabin a few weeks ago.  I made my own version of it, well, the 3 times we've made it have been all different.  I'll just put the musts and the optionals....
Curly whole wheat pasta cooked
1/2C Italian dressing (or dry italian and olive oil is what we did)
1/2 C ranch dressing (bet you can do the dry too)

OPTIONS (in order of our favorites)
cut up sweet red bell peppers
those new tiny little pepperonis
cherry tomatoes cut in half or fourth
cheese cubes

We mix it all up with some salt and pepper and give it a day before we eat it, but it'd be fine to eat it right away, just not as amazing.
K, Ashley, PLEASE post the recipe for those delicious ham and cheese sandwiches you made up there!!!!

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