Monday, January 31, 2011

Our FAVORITE bread...

We make this bread every week. The recipe makes 3 good loaves and a few rolls that we eat instantly.  bad, I know.  
First mix 5C hot water
2 1/2T yeast
2/3C honey (we use creamed honey, but either is great)
2/3 C coconut oil

Mix all of that really good.
Then I add abou 1/2 C dough enhancer, but you don't have to. It just makes it easier to cut w/o falling apart.
And then throw in 2T sea salt
and we add in either 1 C bran or 1C oats, or 1/2C flaxseed, or just whatever you want.
then add about 4C whole wheat flour.
Then get in there with your hands (oh, unless you're one of the awesome ones that have a bosch...then use your freaking bosch that I'm so jealous of for the whole thing).
and add 4 C of white flour.
just add 1/2 C whole wheat flour until it starts to pull away from the sides.  It'll be a little bit sticky, but you don't want it dry.

ok, then leave it in the bowl and let it double...about 30minutes.  Punch it down, then dump it onto a floured surface and pull it into 3 bread sized  chunks...and you'll have  some extra for rolls.  Knead it, throw it down hard ont he counter, get all the bubbles out and then shape it into an oval, and throw it in your greased pan. and shape the roll batch into little balls...about 1" round.

Cover all of it and let it rise...about an hour.
Then throw em in the oven, preheat it to 350, and let it cook for about 20 minutes, or until it looks like this....

Then eat it.  We doubled the batch and made 7, no rolls, and we're freezing 5 of them.  They freeze well.
Oh, and when you get it out of the oven, cut a slice for everyone and throw coconut oil and creamed honey on it and sit on your kitchen floor and eat it!!!!!!!

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